“Great things in business are never done by one person. It’s done by a team of people.” – Steve Jobs

Every business owner dreams of having a capable, productive, and talented team. Even though your team members have individual strengths, the best way to maximise their productivity is to put systems in place to help them succeed.

This guide points out why it’s critical to have systems that help your team thrive.

How systems can help your team now and in the future 

Systems can be applied to almost any aspect of your business. Well-designed systems and processes enhance your team’s productivity, improve your clients’ experiences, and allow you to scale quickly while delivering consistent results. Some aspects of your business that can be systemised include:

  • Internal and external communications
  • Hiring and personnel management
  • Training
  • Customer service
  • Marketing
  • Quality control … and more.

Having the right systems in place from the start puts you in a strong position for growth. Processes also give your team a blueprint to follow so that they’re more likely to succeed.

If you’ve been struggling with inconsistent team performance or poor results, it’s important to review your systems. They serve as the foundation for your growth, so if something isn’t working, changes may be necessary.

What business owners should know about systems and team productivity

It’s common for business owners to only consider systems once they’re needed. Often, something will happen that forces an owner to take action: fast growth, an unexpected event, or a bad experience that exposes a weakness in the business. After something happens, an owner may develop systems as a response moving forward.

This approach is common, but it’s better to establish processes from the start so that you’re ready for the future. Having systems in place now also helps your team be more efficient in handling new situations. There are a few core points that entrepreneurs should know about business systems:

Systems enable scalability

People often wonder how massive businesses can run smoothly with thousands of employees and a variety of vendors, products, departments, and projects. There’s no way that massive organisations, such as McDonald’s or Facebook could function without systems in place. Systems are like scaffolding that forms the base of a building – companies can grow because they have a strong foundation. If scaling is your goal, it’s crucial to invest time and resources into building processes.

Systems provide clarity

As your business grows, you’ll have to fill new roles and build teams to tackle specific issues. Systems provide clarity and direction for your teams. They serve as a framework that your team members can rely on so that they don’t have to chase lofty goals without having a strong base. With processes in place, your teams can set realistic objectives with measurable results.


Systems enable scalability

Processes improve efficiency

Chances are your employees are needlessly spending time on tasks that could be automated or improved. In a single day, it may not seem like a big deal to spend five or 10 minutes on a non-automated task, but these wasted minutes add up quickly. Instead, your team could spend that time on projects that have a direct effect on your bottom line. It’s wise to regularly review your team’s processes so that you can make changes for efficiency’s sake.

Automation reduces labour costs

Good employees are core to a businesses’ success. However, there’s no need to pay people to achieve tasks that can be automated. For example, switchboard operators were necessary in the 1960s because callers had to manually be connected to the right extension when they called a central number. Today, this service isn’t needed because the entire process is automated. As technology evolves, new opportunities arise to automate and streamline business operations, which can ultimately save money for your business.

Systems smooth out your business growth

It’s common for growth phases in business to be work-intensive, but you shouldn’t feel completely overwhelmed. If growth feels like drowning, it’s time to evaluate your systems. Having the right processes in place for acquiring and serving clients, hiring and managing employees, and handling all the high-level tasks for your business can make all the difference when it comes to growth.

A systems review could change the way you do business – for the better!

With the right systems in place, your team is poised to reach its full potential. If you need help evaluating your business systems, download our free business audit worksheet. This checklist helps you determine what systems you have in place, what processes may be deficient, and what systems may need to be developed for your ongoing success. Download the audit sheet here: Self-Audit: Business Opearting System to Help You Grow

Business Operating Systems to help you grow

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