“Satisfied customer is the best source of advertisement” ― G.S. Alag

I have been talking a lot about nurturing your customers lately – and that’s because it’s so important.

In a previous blog I talk about how it can help you get more clients and I’ve also discussed why relationships matter in business and how to create solid relationship with your clients and prospects.

Did you know: 86% of customers would pay more for a better customer experience? (Oracle.com)

Isn’t that an incredible thought.

Now it might not be surprising to you, but if it is then maybe it’s time to up level your client nurturing strategies.

In this blog, I want to talk with you about some of the specific ways you actually nurture your clients because apart from it helping to grow your business with new and repeat clients, it will also help you create a more positive customer experience with more personal touches for your potential and current clients.


Here are 6 strategies you can easily implement today

  1. Give them a first look – One of the easiest ways to nurture your clients and anyone on your list id to give them first looks at things you are doing in your business. Maybe it is a new product or service, an announcement, new team member or your grand plans for a new year!
  2. Get feedback from them – this may scare you a little bit (or a lot!) but this will help cement your relationship with your potential and current clients and help you improve your business too so you attract more of the right types of clients.
  3. Freebie content – Create targeted info in the firm of lead magnets that will help your clients and prospects solve their biggest issues, frustrations and fears. 
  4. Check in with them – send them a personal message. Email is a powerful tool to check in with your tribe. This can be through a, email platform, like Ontraport or Mailchimp, or you can send ultra-personal non-bulk emails through your own provider.
  5. Send card or gift – one of my favourites. This truly makes people feel happy and loved. Just think how you feel when you receive a card or gift.
  6. Offer a reward or referral system – this can help keep the flow of new clients coming in and is usually a easier option because these referrals have come from a known source – and we trust our friends and family! 

“If you don’t appreciate your customers, someone else will.”
― Jason Langella


If you are not looking after your clients and nurturing your potential clients, there will be someone else out there who will. Don’t let this happen to you. Start to implement some of these strategies and what the rewards some flowing in.

I understand it can be difficult to implement everything you need to as a business owner, so I would love to help you get these strategies in place.

I’ve got a Create A Healthy Relationship with Your Leads, Clients and Team for you to download so you know who to nurture and put some nurturing system in your business

Will you be there?

Systems allow your business to run like a well-oiled machine while making it more streamlined, productive, and ultimately, more profitable. It’s never too late to join the business processes bandwagon!

If you have any questions about organising your business, join me at my monthly Q&A session. IT’s on the last Thursday of every month!

You can register here link.

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