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Online Workshop: Streamline Your Business Process and get back more time

How are you feeling in your business right now? Relaxed and carefree or stressed and disorganised.

Business owners struggle to overcome operations challenges and lose out on chances to scale their business to new heights. A lack of organisation means less time for growth and less time for new opportunities.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed and unorganised then this workshop is for you. You will learn more about what streamlining in business is and why it’s important to give you back your precious time, make your business more profitable and save your sanity!

Date & Time:

Thursday, 23 February 2023 at 11:30am – 1pm (AEDT)

Wednesday, 22 February 2023 at 4:30pm – 6pm (PST)

What you will learn in the workshop?


Why you need it

Avoid the #1 mistake all business owners make


Where the money leaks

Identify which systems suck up all your energy and time


The secret sauce

The methodology to streamline your business


Develop an action plan

Make a plan and feeling confident that will help you get back more time in your day


Tech Tools

Tools to document your processes

Like what you see? Book your seat now!


Kathy Hayes - Photographer

I really loved that workshop yesterday (Sep 2022). Because a lot of things were talked about…they don’t just have to be used from a business perspective. So I’ve got a lot of benefits out of it for that.

llyly Valdes - doTerra Advocate

Before I had too many things in my head I needed to recognised as important for my success but didn’t know how to single them out and organise my attention and time to execute them. I am able now to move forward with a clear picture of my goals and the processes to accomplish them.

Krystal Page - Life Coach

Having a digital filing system where I can put everything is great !! And I’m looking to do more work with you 🙂

Do I need this?

This course is for you if you’re suffering from these common problems


You're feeling tired and overwhelmed


You missed important deadlines


Inconsistent results


Lack of time to work on your business

ee zen cha - sanity saver

Date & Time

Thursday, 23 February 2023 at 11:30am – 1pm (AEDT)

Wednesday, 22 February 2023 at 4:30pm – 6pm (PST)


At your comfort zone


Ee Zen Cha, Founder of REAVA Solutions

Like what you see? Book your seat now!


Lisa Abbott - Beyond Trauma (attended workshop in Sep 2022)

I liked it.  It was like, these are things you need to do to run a successful business. Ooh, excellent. Which one should I work on first? So it gave me a prescription and it gave me direction.

Kylie Witherden - founder of Kylie Witherden

Before I found you I was extremely overwhelmed with all the tech. Now I know that I can work with you on a plan & you do everything that was stressing me out in the background so my business runs without an issue. This means I can focus more on my clients & less on things that don’t bring me joy!

Ee Zen Cha | REAVA Solutions

Who I work best with: Is this you?

Hi, It’s Ee Zen Cha here. I’m an Online Business Manager (aka Your Sanity Saver).

I love working with heart-centred, growth-oriented female coaches, consultants and online course creators to go from being busy and overwhelmed to organised, streamline and systemise your business process and workflow so that you can elevate your business growth.

I’ve assisted businesses in multiple functions: administration, PA, project management, program launch (planning to execution), setting up digital marketing campaigns, assisting in community support, business streamlining and automation, quality management system, event management, process development, SOP creation, build and maintain systems and manage daily operations. I also have experience in Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS).

My mission is to assist business owners in overcoming their operations challenges and develop effective systems and procedures so that they can have more time to focus on their big vision (and be there for their family commitments too).

Like what you see? Book your seat now!