DID YOU KNOW: Systems and processes play an extremely important role in building your business? Do you know why? Because they are the building blocks to a successful business and a sustainable future.

Today on the blog, I’m sharing something pretty special with you… the gateway to business success: SYSTEMS!

And I’m giving you the top 10 systems you need get right to really have less stress, more time and more profits in your business.

I’m also sharing a case study with you.

Liz Campbell, The Word Stylist, and the founder of EC Writing Services, engaged me – The Sanity Saver – to help with her systems and processes.

“At first I engaged Ee Zen to help me with my emails and inbox management. I had never been able to find anyone to help me in looking after my inbox. I really needed someone to manage it on a daily basis – be intuitive and take inspired action, so I didn’t have to do everything,” – Liz says

“And I really needed some organisation in there – it was out of control and I didn’t want to be in my inbox any more. Once Ee Zen got hold of it, it was organised within a few days, we had set up draft messages to send out for our products and services, and she had taken over replying to my clients, prospects and people reaching out to us. We had also migrated from one email server to Gmail, saving me money instantly.

And I started to feel less stressed about it. Now I go in for a few minutes a day and she looks after everything else. She has literally saved me tens of hours each week and also allowed us to get new clients and sales because we are more proactive in replying more quickly and staying in touch with people.”

That’s just where we started with Liz because this was giving her the biggest headache. Once we had her emails systemised, organised and automated as much as possible, we looked at the other areas she need help with.

My top 10 systems you must get right for a successful business

  1. Email management 
  2. Diary management 
  3. Password management 
  4. Content management
  5. Product/Service delivery
  6. Client management 
  7. Finance / accounting 
  8. Project management
  9. Team management
  10. Funnel design/process

FREE DOWLOAD: Would you like the complete list of systems and processes you need for a successful business? Get it here.

We also sorted out her password using password manager tool. Client management also got an overhaul as did her diary.

“Once I could see how Ee Zen really could save my sanity, I starting giving her other areas to look after, my diary was the next biggest headache; sending confirmations and invitations for Zoom meetings,” – Liz says.

“Then we basically started working through this list (above) and began ticking them off as went. I can now clearly see how systems play one of the biggest roles in business success and how you feel before and after you have them organised and in a working order.

“Ee Zen saved my sanity!”.

If you would like to focus on your business success this year and systems and processes are giving you a headache, download this complete list of business systems you need to implement and action today to see success in the future.