What to look for when hiring an Online Business Manager (a great one!)

Not all Online Business Managers (OBMs) are created equal. An OBM can help grow your business and succeed, in fact, they might just be the person you need for your next business breakthrough. But you need to hire the right person.

So what should you look for when you’re hiring an OBM?

Read on! In this blog, you’ll learn the essential skills and qualities a great OBM possesses so you can hire once and hire right!

Hiring an Online Business Manager: How to find a great one!

Before hiring an OBM for the first time, or the next time, it’s important to know how to choose the right person for your business and the tasks you need specific help with.

What is an OBM: According to the International Association of Online Business managers: “An OBM is a virtually based support professional who manages online based businesses, including the day-to-day management of projects, operations, metrics and team.”

Being a big part of your business, growth and success, it’s critical you choose wisely. This person will become the manager of your business, your go-to person and your soundboard for strategies and ideas.

When choosing an OBM (before hiring one) make sure you ask about their experience and qualifications, their experience in your specific industry, their strengths and areas of greatness, and also confirm that they can specifically help you with the tasks where you need the most support. This will be different for each business owner depending on their stage of business and future goals.

Skills needed for an Online Business Manager

There are 8 specific skills that a great OBM possesses – aside from being attentive, calm and happy!

1. Responsive

An OBM must be able to respond quickly to you and in a timely manner to keep up with the business operations as well as any upcoming deadlines. I recommend hiring an OBM in the same or very similar time zones as you so you can work together to achieve your goals – and they are on hand to you when you need them most.

2. Systems focused

The key word here is systems! And a great OBM will help you to streamline your workflows and optimise your systems and processes, which will reduce bottlenecks and increase productivity. As they are systemising your business they will identify areas of improvement so your business is always running like a well-oiled machine.

3. Aware and detail-oriented

Your OBM must be detail-oriented because you can’t be, you need to take a high-level approach to your business and work on it rather than in it. In saying this, your OBM also needs to be aware of any issues that may arise and be able to identify areas of improvement. Being able to streamline your systems and processes in the most effective and efficient way is a given.

4. Business prowess

Whether your OBM has had their own business or run other people’s businesses, they must have a vast knowledge and experience of how to run a business successfully. This will help you feel confident and give you peace of mind.

5. High level administrative skills

Email management, diary management, cloud storage, Google Suite, Microsoft, and customer service are all areas that your OBM needs to excel in. Your OBM must be able to manage various platforms, tasks and areas of your business at any one time, for example, team, projects and operations.

6. Project manager

Generally, an OBM has been a project manager in a past life. They must be able to manage multiple software, apps and programs as well, so you want someone who is willing to get their hands dirty and do the work necessary. This is critical because as you know a business often has many projects on the go.

7. High-level management skills

An OBM must be able to manage workflows, projects and team, while also delegating or organising your business. They are, in a sense, a general manager of your business, so high-level management skills are essential.

8. Good trainer

Your OBM will manage your business, projects and team, and there needs to be able to train others to do the work once they have learned how you want it done. For example, they need to be able to onboard new team members and show them exactly what to do and how to do it so it is done correctly and to your standards. Being an outstanding trainer will be priceless for you so your business just works and doesn’t cause you stress.

Get in touch before hiring an Online Business Manager

If you are ready to hire an OBM, please get in touch so we can work together on getting you the best possible person for the job. Contact me today!