According to a 2020 review, published in Medical News Today, 9-82 per cent of people experience Impostor Syndrome. Many people experience symptoms for a limited time, such as in the first few weeks of a new job. For others, the experience can be lifelong. (Source: Medical News Today).  

The thing is, Imposter Syndrome doesn’t discriminate. It can happen to me, it can happen to you, it can happen to the most well-known and famous celebrities, with a staggering 84 per cent of entrepreneurs and small business owners experiencing Imposter Syndrome (in business), according to Global News Wire.

Women are more likely to experience Imposter Syndrome. 

Forbes reported that, “women can experience Imposter Syndrome in key moments of an existing role, or at specific milestones such as a career change or promotion. In fact, nearly 6 in 10 executive women told us that promotions or transitions to new roles were the times that they most experienced Imposter Syndrome.”

What is Imposter Syndrome in business?

Imposter Syndrome in business, is what it says, you feel like an imposter, a fraud and at any moment you’re going to be found out for not being the person you say you are.

The Harvard Business Review states:  “Imposter Syndrome can be defined as a collection of feelings of inadequacy that persist despite evident success. ‘Imposters’ suffer from chronic self-doubt and a sense of intellectual fraudulence that override any feelings of success or external proof of their competence.” 

The feelings of incompetence means people suffering Imposter Syndrome may try counteract it by working harder, maintaining even higher standards or becoming even more of a perfectionist.

What does Imposter Syndrome feel like? 

You may feel incompetent, phony or fraudulent. You feel you aren’t good enough, you don’t belong, or you’re not good at what you do. 

Imposter Syndrome in business can happen to people at all levels of business, not just new startups. It is normal to have these thoughts, you just need to know how to overcome them and have the tools and skills to let those thoughts go quickly. This takes time, practice and sometimes professional help.

How to overcome Imposter Syndrome in business

Recognise that it’s there

The first step is recognising that you have it and that it’s normal and OK. Every business owner suffers from Imposter Syndrome at some stage of their business life, in fact, it could be multiple stages of their business life. 

It’s also important to know that it is an obstacle to your business growth and you must understand that it is your pain and it may not be temporary. If the problem is left unresolved, it can cripple your business.

Work on your growth mindset

If you are always working on your growth mindset, you can overcome Imposter Syndrome more quickly and reach your goals successfully. 

A growth mindset is one that is positive, where you have a “can do” attitude and where you believe things can change. You have the power to change them, even if you don’t know how yet. 

You may think you have no chance of success, but when you look at your growth mindset and try to imagine being successful, you start to see ways in which you can succeed.

You can read my blog on how to foster a growth mindset here.

How to develop a growth mindset | REAVA Solutions, VA & OBM services, Melbourne

Seek professional help and be open to the process

Depending on how long you have suffered with Imposter Syndrome, it may take some time for you to overcome it. That’s why it’s important to seek professional help to help you overcome it more quickly. Talk to a counsellor or therapist. You can also try a coach or alternative therapies specialists.

Get professional help within your business too

Moving to the next level in your business can be difficult if you suffer from Imposter Syndrome and don’t have the right tools and team. 

If you are suffering with Imposter Syndrome, read my blogs on how to foster a growth mindset and how to become the true visionary in your business.

If you need help moving to the next level in your business, let’s have a chat to come up with a plan to get you there. You can get in touch to book your free 45-minute discovery session here.