For the past two years I’ve been keeping something from you … something big with my strategic planning and execution!

I haven’t kept it from you on purpose, only for enough time to make sure it works and will work for you.

What is it?

Well, for the past two years I’ve been using a secret template for my own strategic planning and execution that has helped me not only strategically plan the future direction of my business but also implement the plan so it actually gets results.

And I’ve reached a massive milestone in my business … consistent five-figure years! And we all know that consistency is one of the most valued attributes in business.

Now I’m ready to share it with you now because it really does work!

When it comes to your strategic planning and execution, my free Strategic Planning Template will give you a clear picture of your goals and priorities. It is also designed to help your team members understand their role in your business and provide them with all the information they need to be successful and help you create a more successful business. Link to template

The big secret to strategic planning and execution

If there is one thing you must know about executing your strategic plan, it’s that you must reflect on how you can improve in your business. This is where you take a look to the past so you can change the future direction of your business. 

And you must have goalkeeping records and insights, and then be able to create new goals based on the business’s future direction, what you want to achieve and how you’ll get to the next level. 

If you want to get started on improving your business, take a look at my  template for now!

Strategic planning and execution: The 7 secrets to executing your strategic plan

While having a strategic plan is a good thing and the only way to go, it’s also important that you execute your plan. And now is the best time to start.

So take a look at my template, download it and start using it.

There are 7 areas you need to implement to have success with your strategic plan.

1. Mission and Vision:

Reflect on your mission and business vision. Are they still current and do they still resonate with you and your audience? This also includes your core values. Do your values still align with you and your business?

2. Focus areas:

Now is the ideal time to start planning 2022. Ask yourself, what’s the focus for this next year and what are you planning? Also, do some reflection on what you did best in this last year and what you need to improve going into the new year.

3. Goals:

What are your financial goals, customer goals, internal operational goals and people development goals. You will have short-term goals to take you through to the end of this financial year and you will also put goals in place for the next calendar year.

4. KPIs:

Under each of the goals sections of your strategic planning template, set KPIs. Which one comes first, then next and so on.

5. Priorities:

After you have set your KPIS, set out your list of priorities. What do you want to achieve first and what do you need to start working on now?

6. Person responsible for the task/s:

Who’s responsible for each of the tasks under the priorities list? Put a name beside each task so your execution team knows exactly what to do. 

7. Implementation:

This is the basic concept on how you will execute the goals and KPIs based on the priorities you’ve set to achieve your goals.

Next steps to execute your strategic plan

Next, your task is to go over the template and look at your own strategic planning and execution. You can do it by yourself or work with someone like an OBM to bounce ideas off.

Download my free 2022 Strategic Planning Template here.

It’s been designed to give you the structure for your business planning success. You can also use it as an easy-to-update communication tool that you can share with your team so everyone is on the same page.

Use this strategic planning and execution template as a guide for reviewing your business, identifying opportunities for growth, and developing your operations and team.

Download it here today here:
