Happy new year! If you are ready to start the year off strong, there are three things you first need to think about for strategic growth.

  1. Your team
  2. The transformation you want to see
  3. Your future

In this blog, I’ve got these three areas covered so you can start the year off strong, however, there are also some challenges that usually get in the way of a visionary business woman achieving her desired results and strategic growth.
Read on to learn more.

3 focus areas for strategic growth and business success

As we step into the new year, it’s not just about resolutions; it’s about setting a strong foundation for business success.

For visionary business women with big dreams and aspirations, January is a crucial month to strategise and lay the groundwork for the months and year ahead.

Here are three key areas to focus on for a powerful start to the year.

Strategic growth hack #1: Growing your team

January marks the perfect time to evaluate your team and plan for strategic growth. Consider the skills and roles needed to take your business to the next level.

Whether it’s hiring new talent, upskilling existing members, or redistributing responsibilities, building the right team ensures that you have the support needed to achieve your goals.

A strong, cohesive team is the backbone of any successful business – and it starts with a virtual assistant (VA) and an Online Business Manager (OBM).

READ MORE: What to consider when expanding your team

Strategic growth hack #2: Defining your transformation

What transformative changes do you envision for your business this year? Now is the best time to define and outline the transformations you want to see.

It could be implementing new technologies, refining your customer service and product offerings, or entering new markets.

Clearly articulating these transformations sets a roadmap for your business’s evolution and helps align your team with the business’s overarching goals and strategic growth.

Strategic growth hack #3: Envisioning your future with the right team

Picture the future of your business with the right people in the right roles. How does your team contribute to the success of your big vision?

Use the start of the year to align your team members with positions that maximise their strengths.

When you have the right individuals in the right seats, it propels your business forward, increasing efficiency, innovation and strategic growth.

How to grow your team – where do you start?

Starting the year strong is about intentional planning and focused actions. By concentrating on growing your team, defining transformative goals, and envisioning your future with the right people, you can pave the way for a year of substantial business success through strategic growth.

But where do you start and how does it all fit together?

Growing your team strategically involves understanding the roles each member plays in the overall structure.

Imagine your team as a dynamic triangle (pictured), with each position serving a unique purpose.

VA: At the base, you have Virtual Assistants (VAs) and employees, the support pillars managing day-to-day tasks.

OBM/Management Team: As you move up, there’s the vital role of an Online Business Manager (OBM), positioned in the middle to oversee VAs and other team members. The OBM brings cohesion and ensures operations run smoothly.

CEO: At the pinnacle is you, the CEO, overseeing the entire business and working towards your big vision.
Placing team members strategically along this spectrum optimises efficiency, accountability and communication within your business.

READ MORE: Why you need a strategy when hiring new team members

What’s causing you to struggle and not implement your strategy

Navigating the intricate path of implementing your business strategy can be a challenging journey for many visionary business women.

Despite having a well-crafted plan, various obstacles can often get in the way of you seamlessly executing strategic growth in your business.

The question is, what’s causing you to struggle and encounter roadblocks in bringing your strategic vision to life?

Well, there are several common challenges that entrepreneurs face at some time or another when implementing their strategies.

Resources (staff at the implementation level)

  • You are the only one in your management team and the business’s strategic thinker.
  • You have a team and they are good at doing their tasks but they do not know how to run a business.
  • You need a strategic thinker and can’t find one in your current team.
  • Your team is not willing to step up to hold greater responsibility.
  • You might have someone willing to step up but they don’t have enough experience and you still need to invest time in them.

Managing the team

  • Your team can’t work without you and is constantly asking you questions.
  • You’re managing and monitoring the progress of the project and the team.
  • You spend too much time solving your team’s problems.
  • You spend too much time searching for other resources.
  • You’re making an action plan for your team and also ensuring your team executes their tasks.

Monitoring performance

  • You’re not productive and organised and this impacts on you not meeting your monthly financial targets.
  • There is a never-ending issues list that is waiting for you to resolve.
  • You’re spending too much time trying to streamline your business processes.
  • You are often the bottleneck, or there are too many bottlenecks in your workflows.
  • There is a lack of KPIs (key performance indicators) as well as no focus on KPIs.
  • Your business processes are clunky or overly complicated and no one can find out the leaks to improve them.

Your mindset

  • No one can do better than you.
  • You’re not ready to invest because you’re not sure what value an OBM can bring to your business – you may think it’s money down the drain.
  • You think hiring an OBM is an expense not an investment in your business.
  • You don’t believe an OBM is able to integrate and close the gap, for example, implement your action plan and work with the team and make it happen.
  • You can do it and, in the end, you’re spreading yourself too thin.

Unlock your business’s potential: Take the quiz now!

Curious whether a virtual assistant (VA) or an Online Business Manager (OBM) is the missing piece to your strategic growth puzzle?

Take my quick quiz now to uncover the ideal support for your needs.

Will it be a VA that takes mundane, but important, tasks off your hands, freeing up your time to focus on strategic activities to ensure efficiency and productivity in your business.

Or will it be an OBM to help with strategic oversight, helping you to systemise your operations, implement your vision, and build on the overall strategic growth and efficiency of your business.

Gain valuable insights into your business requirements and take the quiz.

Take the quiz here

Then let’s have a deeper discussion.

Book a complimentary discovery call to discuss your quiz results, get a roadmap for success that aligns with your big vision and strategic goals, and explore more tailored solutions to enhance efficiency and boost productivity.

Don’t leave your business success to chance in 2024 and book your discovery call today!

Book a discovery call here